I vividly remember sharing a room with my sister and loving it (for the most part!). Some of our best bonding happened at bedtime and morning time, so don't be afraid of this transition; just read ahead so you (and your kids) can be prepared.


Talk to your kids about this new change! Get them excited and even draw a picture of their new room set up to help prepare them.

Ex: “In a few days, you and your sister will share a room! Let’s draw a picture so you can see what the new room will look like! Your bed goes here…”


Tell your kids that it's okay if they hear each other overnight and make sure to add a sound machine to help block out some of that noise.

Ex: “We all make noises when we sleep! If you hear your baby sister crying, just roll over, close your eyes, and go back to sleep. Mommy is always listening and will be there if your sister needs me. Your job is just to sleep!”


If possible, it may be helpful to stagger bedtime by having one child go to bed 15-30 mins before the other one. If the one going to bed at a later time is verbal, you can explain how it’s important to whisper and be super quiet once inside the room, all the fun happened before going in. I recommend practicing this skill during the day.

Ex: “We have to be like quiet mice when we go into the room, let's practice what that looks like with your stuffed animals!”

** There are nuances at every age, these tips focus on at least one sibling being 3yrs and up.

Meet Sari

Think of her as your sleep-expert-best-friend on speed dial.

About Me

Sleep is multilayered and multifaceted, so we must look at the entire picture of what’s affecting our children’s sleep in order to have long-term success. Sari uses her training in pediatric sleep, lactation, and behavior—along with her experience with more than 100 families—to provide you and your child with an individualized, comprehensive, and unique approach to sleep.

Free Guide

Sleep can feel so triggering. Let’s change that.

The 5 C’s: Tools Every Parent Needs To Improve Their Child’s Sleep

The phrase "sleep training" has a bad reputation. For starters, parents don't love the association between the words "training" and "babies." Sleep training has also been linked to the "cry it out" method, which—rightfully so—sounds frightening. Great News: there are a lot of supportive and gentle things you can do to help a child learn to fall asleep independently. Whether your child is 5 weeks old or 5 years old, there are five tools that you can apply to make sleep feel better in your home. Let me break this all down for you…

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